Journal of English Education Studies <p>Journal of English Education Studies (JEES) is a peer-reviewed journal of English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten</a>.<em>&nbsp;</em>The journal aims at improving the quality of research on the area of English education which is issued twice in a year, in May and November.</p> <p>JEES is indexed and/or available catalogue in:</p> <p><a title="GS" href=";hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/Google_Scholar.png"></a><img src="/public/site/images/admin/pkp-index.png"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/crossref.png"><a href=""><img src=""></a><img src=""></p> <p>Journal of English Education Studies (JEES) is an Open Access Journal. The authors who publish the manuscript in this journal agree to the following terms:&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/admin/cc_by.png"></a>&nbsp; &nbsp;<img src="/public/site/images/admin/accessOA2.png"><br>JEES is licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>. This permits anyone to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.</p> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN (print) 2615-613X</a><br></strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>ISSN (Online) 2615-6083</strong></a></p> Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten en-US Journal of English Education Studies 2615-613X <p>The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Journal of English Education Studies (JEEP) allow the author(s) to hold the copyright and to retain publishing rights without restrictions.</p> The Effect of Describing Picture Media on Students’ Speaking Skill at The Ninth Grade Student of MTs Mathla’ul Anwar Nambo Picung Pandeglang Banten in Academic Year 2021/2022 <p>This research aims to determine the effect of describing picture on students’ speaking skill at the ninth grade student of MTs MA Nambo Picung Pandeglang. This study uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design. This research uses three concepts, namely pre-test, treatment and post-test. The pre-test would be carried out before giving treatment, the treatment would&nbsp; be carried out in five&nbsp; meetings, and post-test would&nbsp; be given after treatment. The results of data analysis showed that the mean of post-test both experimental and control class are different, they are 79.00 and 63.75. The result of t-test obtained is 0.000 ≤ α = 0.05. The result indicated the alternative hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis was rejected. This finding shows that the describing picture has significant effect on students' speaking skills. Based on the findings, coud be said that the media picture is very useful for teachers to improve students' speaking skills, and easy to learn for students.</p> Iyet Supriyanti Rizdki Elang Gumelar Tatu Munawaroh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 7 1 1 7 10.30653/005.202471.126 An Analysis of Feminist Criticism in The Lyrics of “The Man” Song by Taylor Swift <p>This research paper aims to find out the kinds of feminism and analyze the literal meaning of "The Man" Song by Taylor Swift. This research paper using a qualitative approach with a content analysis design. The data of this research is lyrics of “The Man” Song by Taylor Swift and the data was taken from YouTube. This research data collection using observation and documentation techniques. The finding of this research shows that there are 14 kinds of feminism which are divided into 5 psychoanalytic feminisms, 5 liberal feminisms, 2 Marxist feminisms and 2 radical feminisms. In The Man Song by Taylor Swift, a deep meaning is found in the representation of women's feelings of having to move quickly to match the steps of men. The women in the song feel that the world is too unfair for women who are considered weak creatures by the world in various aspects of life.</p> Vina Amanda Rizdki Elang Gumelar Riandi Riandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 7 1 8 17 10.30653/005.202471.125 The Effect of English Grammar Application towards Students' Grammar Mastery in Present Perfect Tense <p>The purpose of this research was to investigate the significant effect of an English grammar application on the students’ grammar mastery in a present perfect tense lesson at the twelfth grade of SMAN 1 Banjarsari. The research approach used a quantitative approach and a quasi-experimental method with an achievement test to collect the data. The achievement tests were pre- and post-tests. The population was 216 students, and the sample of this research was 70 students, which consisted of 35 students from the control class and 35 students from the experimental class. The control class used a simpler application, whereas the experimental class used an English grammar application for the treatment. The data was analyzed using the statistical program SPSS 22 version. Based on the data analysis result, it was determined that the different mean values of the post-test in the experimental and control classes were 68.51 and 68.14. The t-test result retrieved a signed score of 0.000 ≤ α = 0.05. The result showed that the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. This means that there was a significant effect of using the English Grammar application on students’ grammar mastery in the present perfect tense lesson at the twelfth grade of SMAN 1 Banjarsari.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Siti Uswatun Hasanah Ade Sudirman Tatu Munawaroh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 7 1 18 26 10.30653/005.202471.122 The Effect of Using Speedy English Grammar Application towards Students' Grammar Mastery in Simple Past Tense at the Twelfth Grade of SMK Walisongo Menes Pandeglang Banten in Academic Year 2023/2024 <p>The objective of this research is to investigate the significant effect of using Speedy English Grammar application towards students' grammar mastery in simple past tense at the twelfth grade of SMK Walisongo. The research approach used was a quantitative approach and quasi experimental method with achievement test in collecting the data. Achievement test included pre-test and post-test. This research was conducted at the twelfth grade of SMK Walisongo Menes. The samples of this research were 40 students that consisted of 20 students of experimental and 20 students of control class. The experimental class used Speedy English Grammar and the control class used English Grammar and Test application. The data was analyzed by using statistical of program SPSS 22. Based on the result of data analysis, the result showed that mean of post-test both experimental and control class different were 76.70 and 70.45, and for the result of t-test obtained sign score 0.000 ≤ α = 0.05. The result indicated the alternative hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis was rejected. As the result there was significant effect of using the Speedy English Grammar application towards students’ grammar mastery in simple past test at the twelfth grade of SMK Walisongo Menes.</p> Ifa Najilah Ade Sudirman Tatu Munawaroh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 7 1 27 37 10.30653/005.202471.121 Maxims Analysis in a conversation of Indonesian Movies entitled “Malam Minggu Miko”: A Pragmatics study <p>The aim of the research was to identify and describe the maxims that have been violated in the dialogue of “Malam Minggu Miko” movie and also to know the maxim that compliance with. The analysis of maxim was conducted to “Malam Minggu Miko” movie. The writer conducted this analysis based on two research questions about the violation of cooperative principle (maxims) and its offense. In this research analysis, the researcher used qualitative in descriptive as a method. And used “Malam Minggu Miko‟ movie as the subject for her analyses. This research was to analyze the application of Grace‟ cooperative principle (maxims) in the “Malam Minggu Miko” movie. This was analyzed the violation of the maxims, offense and kinds of violation shown in that movie. After the writer analyzed “Malam Minggu Miko” movie from these three factors, it can be concluded that this movie has broken all existing maxim. Besides, this movie are also obeyed several cooperative principle in several dialogue, they are the maxim of quantity and quality. Furthermore, “Malam Minggu Miko” movie has done several kinds of offense; the first kind is violation, where the hearer is unable to use the maxim correctly. The second offense is kind of clash, where the use of maxim conflicting.</p> Nurlaillatul Barokah Muhamad Nandang Sunandar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 7 1 38 41 10.30653/005.202471.127 The Effect of Cake Application Towards Students’ Pronunciation Mastery At The Eighth Grade of MTs Mifatussa’adah Cibaliung Pandeglang in Academic Year 2024/2025 <p>This research aims to investigate the effect of cake application towards students’ pronunciation mastery at the eighth grade of MTs Miftahussa’adah Cibaliung Pandeglang. The research uses the quantitative approach and quasi experimental method with pre-test and post-test design. On technique of collecting the data, this research uses a triangulation involving pre-test, treatment and post-test. The data obtained from 2 classes are experimental and control class. The experimental class was VIII A and the control class was VIII B. Each class consists of 25 students; the total number of samples is 50 students. The findings show that the experimental class’s mean score on the pre-test is 51.33, while the control class’s mean score on the pre-test is 44.00. On the other hand, the experimental class’s mean score on the pre-test is 67.20, while the mean score on control class is 59.20. The hypothesis calculating was done by using SPSS 22. The result obtained from hypothesis test is 0.00 &lt; 0.05, it means that there is effect of cake application towards students’ pronunciation mastery at the eighth grade of MTs Miftahussa’adah Cibaliung Pandeglang.</p> Surdi Surdi Rizdki Elang Gumelar Riandi Riandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 7 1 42 51 10.30653/005.202471.118 An Analysis of Second Language Understanding in Young Learners At Public And Islamic Boarding School <p>Young learners have the same learning stages in the process, but they will have different results. It is influenced by several factors such as family background or even the learning environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the acquisition of a second language in young students which studying in a different environment in Pandeglang Regency. This research method is descriptive qualitative approach, where the sample is taken from students who study in public schools and Islamic boarding schools. In this study data collection techniques through observation and interviews. In the interview process they were assigned to introduce themselves briefly, and then write it down on paper so that it could be observed to see the results in second language acquisition. Found some differences in the acquisition of a second language, namely English as a result of their learning process in junior high school as a young learner. But in terms of basic things, they can already know and use it.</p> Moh. Aep Irfan Al-Anshory Riandi Riandi Kartika Dewi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 7 1 52 57 10.30653/005.202471.128